The City Auto Glass Walleye Classic began back in 2006 on Lake Vermilion,
with 34 boats competing for the cash prize of $3,400 to the winners.

Now heading into our 16th year in 2021, our tournament continues to grow, with anglers from around Minnesota and the upper Midwest competing to take home the guaranteed grand prize of $15,000, plus the honor of being the champions of one of the largest walleye tournaments in Minnesota! In all, we award more than $50,000 in cash, prizes and merchandise each year.


The City Auto Glass Walleye Classic is produced by The CAG Foundation.Tournament Director is Jamie Lindseth and Tournament Chair is Red Lowen.

In addition we rely on the help of numerous volunteers, including area Kiwanis Cluband Key Club members, plus friends, family, and our business partners.

We thank you all, and couldn’t operate the tourney without you!


The City Auto Glass Walleye & Bass Classics are non-profit events,  produced by The CAG Foundation.  Since 2006, we have donated nearly $300,000 to area high school and college students, with funds designed to help further the education of hard-working and success-seeking area young people!  Just as we work hard to produce a quality tournaments, we seek to reward students who are doing just the same with their future potential!

Throughout the nearly 17 years of the tournaments history, it has contributed to the funding of dozens of scholarships for UMD student-athletes. Key Club Kids become eligible for scholarship funds through their volunteer efforts with the tournament. Sponsorship dollars were provided to support a mother/daughter missions team from Cook, MN and the surrounding area.  The group traveled to San Gabriel, Guatemala as a part of the non-profit group Recycled Lives whose mission is to better the lives of those living in poverty.